Wednesday, January 26, 2011


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Countdown to NYC: ONE Freakin' Day!

So my man-friend and I are going on a little datey-date on Sunday night.

the man-friend and I on NYE a couple years ago.
(this year I was sipping Veuve in my PJ's, not a picture worth sharing)

and because we're super indecisive, we still haven't figured out where to go.

My restaurants priorities work pretty much like this:

Decor, Mood, Food Quality. 

In that order. Shallow?

Here are my thoughts/options.

Ok ok, So MAYBE I want to go there because it's one of the places that Bethenny and Jason went to on Bethenny Getting Married? I've never been a celeb follower before, but let's face it, she's pretty darn cool and she appreciates good food.

But also, look at the chic decor.

 and the menu looks DE-lish.

A friend of mine went there on the night she got engaged, and still refers to it as one of her best meals ever.

Gotham is an oldie and a goodie in my book.
My fam and I stop here pretty much every time we're in NYC.
Great Food, Awesome Atmosphere.

 image via

This place looks pretty rad.
They change the decor every season.
Which really plays to my A.D.D. design tendencies.
And the food looks yumm-ola.





So, anyone care to weigh in?

And while you're weighing in, please cross your fingers that our flight isn't cancelled due to snow!

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