Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wedding Wednesday....Save yourself a Buck or Two.

Remember those Suave commercials that used to come on, asking if you could tell the difference between the expensive salon shampoo and the Suave brand?

"If you can't tell the difference, why should we?"

Genius Advertising.
That commercial always resonated with me, because it's one of my most serious philosophies.
Not that I'm advocating knock-off's or fakes.

But I am advocating saving your hard-earned money where you can,
and taking little short cuts to do so.

Like paper for your wedding.
I've been in a LOT of weddings now.  And I've had friends who's wedding budgets have run the gamit from Low-Budget, Mostly DIY weddings to large, no expense spared shin-digs.
And you know what? Both kinds have turned out equally fabulous.

And I want my readers and friends to know that you can truly have a PHENOMENAL wedding on a,

That brings me to the topic of today's Wedding Wednesday.

Invitations on Etsy.

I'm super obsessed with Etsy if you can't tell.
And more than anything, I think it's finding your bargains and being able to customize them.

Etsy has fabulous invitations for any occasion, including all those wedding related.

Like Bridal Showers....

And Save-the-Dates....

And even Wedding Suites....

And yep, you can even get letterpress on Etsy.

Now, Isn't it nice when you learn something new?

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